Picking the right brush for your hair type can not only give you gorgeous, shining hair all day long, but it can also protect your hair from damage and stimulate hair growth. So the next time you’re shopping for hairbrushes and asking yourself what hairbrush should I use, take each of these into consideration.
You might have heard the saying that your makeup is only as good as your application. That’s why people spend so much time and money collecting the perfect set of makeup brushes, each designed for a different function. We read label after label of shampoo and hair care products to get the hair results we want and invest in the latest and greatest styling tools. But when was the last time you thought about your hairbrush?
The hairbrush often goes overlooked for what it is: a versatile beauty tool used for styling, detangling, cleaning, and even promoting hair growth. But not all hairbrushes are made equally, and using the wrong hairbrush for your hair type may actually be causing damage to your hair, no matter how many damage-free styling products you use. Here we’ll go over some of the most common types of hairbrushes and how to use them based on your hair type.
Hair type: Fine to medium hair
What it’s used for: Boar bristle brushes leave your hair smooth and shining, as the
bristles are designed to redistribute natural oils from the scalp evenly
from root to tip. As you brush through your hair, the bristles strip
the hair of any dead strands, dirt, and debris and even stimulate the
scalp to encourage healthy, growing hair. While any hair type can
benefit from this type of natural brush, boar bristle brushes are best suited for fine to medium hair.
Hair type: Medium to thick hair
What it’s used for: A mix of nylon and boar bristles gives your medium to thick hair the best of both worlds. You’ll still get the shine from smoothing cuticles that a boars bristle brush offers, but the nylon bristles give a little extra detangling power.
Hair type: Very thick or course hair
What it’s used for: Nylon is a synthetic plastic material that can easily slide through almost any hair type. Nylon bristles have a range of flexility that makes them great for working through tangle-prone hair. They do, however, tend to get soft or even melt under extreme heat from a hairdryer.
Hair type: Curly hair
What it’s used for: A wooden brush for your hair is one of the best things you can do for your curls. Wooden bristles aren’t as harsh on the hair as plastic bristles, and they help minimize static to reduce frizz. They’re gentle on the scalp and help smooth curls without separating them.
Hair type: All hair types, depending on the bristle
What it’s used for: A cushion brush features a soft, air-filled rubber base with stiff wire or plastic bristles. Cushion brushes are best used for stimulating the scalp and brushing out dandruff, product buildup, dust, or debris. The blood flow to the scalp from stimulation also helps promote hair growth.
Hair type: Thick, curly hair
What it’s used for: Wide-toothed combs have enough space between each teeth to work through stubborn knots in thick, curly hair when wet. All of MACHETE’s hair combs are waterproof, so you can leave them in the shower to use for detangling wet hair.

Hair type: Straight or fine hair
What it’s used for: A fine tooth comb is perfect for smoothing out straight hair or flyaway strands. The teeth are set close together to help settle the hair into place, but that means these combs won’t be great at managing thick or tangled hair.

With so many different types of hair brushes on the market, it’s important to choose one that is best suited for your hair type. Brushes don’t just detangle and smooth hair, but they also help style, minimize breakage, reduce frizz, and even encourage hair growth. At MACHETE, we’ve seen a lot of love coming from our hair combs collection, so we’re excited to continue expanding our selection of chic, stylish hair products. Stay tuned for our launch of the Grande Hair Brush, Everyday Hair Brush, and the Petite Traveler Brush. Each brush offers a choice of bristle type, including detangling bristles or Boar & Nylon bristles. Like our hair combs, the brushes collection will come in several of our favorite colors, bringing both functionality and style to your vanity!